Sweet Friends,
After one more trip around the sun, here are a few of my learnings (some of which came down like honey, others, like a sledgehammer. #reallife):
Devote—all in, no half-assing commitment to the Light. Do it for the Love. Hold your friends close. If you can’t find the funny in it, yer f-cked. Laughter fuels resiliency—if you can crack a joke in tragedy, you’re going to be alright.
Trying to be cool delays satisfaction. Get excited. Show it. You might get hurt. Find something or someone else to get excited about. The supply of excitement worthiness is unlimited.
Your body is never “attacking itself”. That’s one of the most damaging myths of modern medicine.
Presence is where the payoff is, just be with what’s going on in front of you. The next right step comes from that place.
Being misunderstood will not kill you. You know who you are.
Not many people will run into a burning building for you. As for the ones who will—never let them go.
Compassion can be excruciating—it’s the medicine. Listening is an underrated hobby. Be INTERESTED. And please, just meditate, k?
If you chase only the numbers, you miss the gold. Burn it down when it’s holding you back—there is magic in the ashes. Only the flexible survive.
Love is the most inefficient and often inconvenient way to EUPHORIA. But… EUPHORIA. I’m so in. If you orient your whole life around doing THE MOST LOVING THING… you get strong, stronger, f-cking strongest. So strong. Love-strong.
Only Love,
#resiliency #onlyevergrateful #heart
Danielle LaPorte is an invited member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100, a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.” She is author of White Hot Truth: Clarity for keeping it real on your spiritual path—from one seeker to another. The Fire Starter Sessions, and The Desire Map: A Guide To Creating Goals With Soul—the book that has been translated into 8 languages, evolved into a yearly day planner system, a top 10 iTunes app, and an international workshop program with licensed facilitators in 15 countries.
Named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes, millions of visitors go to DanielleLaPorte.com every month for her daily #Truthbombs and what’s been called “the best place online for kickass spirituality.” A speaker, a poet, a painter, and a former business strategist and Washington-DC think tank exec, Entrepreneur Magazine calls Danielle, “equal parts poet and entrepreneurial badass…edgy, contrarian…loving and inspired.” Her charities of choice are Eve Ensler’s VDay: a global movement to end violence against women and girls, and charity: water, setting out to bring safe drinking water to everyone in the world. She lives in Vancouver, BC with her favourite philosopher, her son. You can find her @daniellelaporte and just about everywhere on social media.
The post Sweet like Honey, and Sledgehammer-Hard: Lessons from My Year. appeared first on Positively Positive.