When I first started my coaching practice as a body image expert, Oprah had her daily show on television. And my healthy body image and healthy weight release students—both private and in my classroom settings—would tell me quite often that Oprah needed to call me and work with me.
Since Oprah had always been so vocal about her body image issues, they were of the opinion that she needed my unique approach.
I have been through the weight loss and self-love journey myself. I have healed from childhood trauma, abuse, and multiple addictions. My personal experience allows me to get straight to the heart of the matter with my clients, to help them heal, and to dispel what I refer to as The Great Lie—that a woman’s worth is based on how she looks and what she weighs.
It was clear that Oprah understood the relationship between self-perception and the numbers on the scale. Even through her struggles, Oprah has recognized that liking and loving your body isn’t just about food. She’d learned the same lesson that I had: that negative feelings can sabotage your weight loss efforts.
I believe that the weight loss industry doesn’t want you to know that.
If you did, you would never need their pills or programs! What a great feeling that would be, to NEVER diet again. Well, I am here to say it’s true: you DON’T ever have to diet again!
The solution to your weight issues runs deeper than the food you put in your mouth.
It’s not all about your relationship with food… it’s about your relationship with YOURSELF. And you have the power to say “YES” to loving your body. The answer was never in a pill or a diet or an exercise program – these things help, but they are only tools.
Permanent change must occur from within.
You are the only one with the power to heal and transform your body. @laurafenamore (Click to Tweet!)
So…back to Oprah.
The day I accepted that I would be okay whether Oprah called me or not was the day that I found real freedom. While I know that I’m no more or less special than anyone else, I did buy into that internal myth for a while.
I had myself convinced that, until she called, my value was ‘less than.’
And let’s face it – for years the infamous ‘Oprah call’ was THE dream of so many women, and became the embodiment of success for those of us who knew we have a big purpose and mission in life.
I certainly feel very committed to my own purpose, which is to help women around the world feel connected and inspired by their bodies rather than hating them and never feeling like their body will be good enough.
What if it WERE good enough?
What if life were sweet enough without daily sugar runs? Fulfilling enough?
What if life were happy enough that we used food as fuel instead of as a source of comfort?
What if we then had energy to actually enjoy other things?
Food is medicine. It is not our lover, or mother, our father, our savior.
It is the means to fuel our body and, while we can absolutely enjoy it, we have to use it for what it is. It is not meant to be the highlight of our life.
So no more “What if…” Understand that it IS possible.
I teach spiritual, mental, and emotional strategies that help women wake up to the truth that has been buried under all of the hate, judgment and criticism they have piled upon themselves- the truth that their essence is love.
Together we navigate the path to get beyond the belief that they are ‘less than love,’ and learn how to move out of body-identification.
As long as you identify as a body, you forget that you are so much more…and you trade self-love for self-criticism. Moving toward truth means owning and accepting the skin you’re in so that you can have a body you love.
So I’m not asking you to believe that this is possible, especially if you are drowning in pain and sorrow right now. But I am asking you to stop right this moment and answer this:
What kind of a legacy do you want to leave?
What kind of an impact do you want to have?
I encourage you to open your mind to new possibilities, and reach out and ask for help.
Not from your own mind – if you’re at this point, then your mind has been running itself in circles and you need some help getting out of your old patterns. Instead, reach out to a professional who has been where you are now.
I often say to women, “I hope that I don’t care more about you than you care about yourself, but if that’s the case then you know you have some work to do.”
And while I believe in perfect timing, I live every day deliberately because I believe that I don’t have time to waste. When it comes to self-love and self-improvement, there is no time more perfect than right NOW.
What are you waiting for?
Oprah to call?
I welcome your feedback and opinions, and I am sending you so much LOVE.
Laura Fenamore, Body Image Expert, Coach and acclaimed Author is on a mission to help women around the world end the constant battle with their bodies and start adoring who they see in the mirror. Her approach walks students and readers through the heartfelt journey to self-love at any size or age by unlocking the secrets to a lifetime of emotional, physical and spiritual health. After overcoming a lifelong battle with addiction, obesity, and eating disorders, Laura released 100 pounds – keeping it off for more than 28 years. She chronicles this journey to self-love and health in her widely acclaimed book, Skinny, Fat, Perfect: Love Who You See in the Mirror. Learn more about Laura’s programs, or invite her to speak by visiting SkinnyFatPertect.com.
Image courtesy of Brodie Vissers.Brodie Vissers.
The post Did You Ever Wish Oprah Would Call? appeared first on Positively Positive!!.